Capacity in Which You Know the Applicant

Tabular array of Contents

  1. Pupil, college, and instructor letter of recommendation samples
  2. Letter of recommendation examples for employment
  3. What is a alphabetic character of recommendation?
  4. Letter of the alphabet of recommendation format
  5. Important steps before you brainstorm writing
  6. How to write a recommendation letter
  7. How to ask for a letter of recommendation

Student, higher, and teacher alphabetic character of recommendation samples

Need to write a letter of recommendation for a student or instructor? The following samples show you how to write a keen letter of recommendation for a pupil applying for a scholarship, or for an undergrad or graduate program. Additionally, we include an example of a letter of recommendation for a teacher applying to a new job.

Click Here to View All Pupil and Teacher Templates

Letter of recommendation examples for employment

If yous're looking for a letter of the alphabet of recommendation for an employee, we've got you covered with our template below. If you're providing a reference for a colleague, we as well have templates for a alphabetic character of recommendation for a coworker or for a friend, as well as a LinkedIn letter of recommendation for your professional acquaintances.

Click Here to View All Employment Related Templates

What is a letter of recommendation?

A letter of recommendation (or reference letter) is a document in which y'all attest to the qualifications, feel, and dedication of a colleague, student, or friend to aid them get the position they want.

There are various types of recommendation messages, just the 3 most common ones are written for job applications, academy applications, and grapheme references.

When exercise you lot demand a letter of recommendation?

Here are the situations in which you might require a letter of the alphabet of recommendation, also as who to ask:

1. You're applying for university, graduate schoolhouse, or scholarships

Virtually all universities and scholarship programs require at least two recommendation messages every bit part of the application procedure. These reference letters should ideally be written by previous teachers or professors who are familiar with your academic achievements and abilities.

Admissions officers and scholarship organizations want to become a better agreement of who students are equally a person earlier making the conclusion to admit them or award scholarships.

Recommendation letters offer an authoritative outside perspective and help to shed light on qualities that are difficult to fully convey in a resume and personal essay.

2. Yous're applying for jobs that require potent references

For most task applications, a well-written resume and encompass alphabetic character or alphabetic character of interest are more sufficient. However, certain industries or companies may crave a alphabetic character of recommendation in addition to these basic essentials.

Teachers and md assistants are two such examples of jobs that often need a written reference every bit function of the application.

By and large speaking, the most convincing reference messages will be those written past a supervisor. In cases where this is incommunicable (or undesirable), a recommendation from a coworker who is familiar with your work is also acceptable.

3. You want to heighten your job application

If yous feel as though your resume and cover letter aren't peculiarly strong, a alphabetic character of recommendation can give your application the extra heave you need to land a job.

Adding a recommendation letter of the alphabet to your awarding can be particularly helpful if you have little or no piece of work experience. In situations like these, a character reference from a friend or teacher can make a big difference when it comes to job hunting.

On the other hand, if yous're applying for a particularly competitive job, a strong reference from a previous employer will exist the virtually advantageous.

However, you should wait until an employer requests a reference from you before providing a letter of recommendation. Generally, yous should never include references on your resume because employers aren't interested in seeing them until subsequently in the hiring process.

Letter of the alphabet of recommendation format

Now that we know what a recommendation letter is and who needs 1, let's go through exactly how to format a letter of the alphabet of recommendation, too equally the all-time page structure and fonts to create a professional look.

Recommendation letter format guide

No matter who it's for, including these eight basic sections in your letter will ensure it hits every bespeak needed to make a compelling recommendation.

Example of letter of recommendation format.

1. Contact Information

Your name, accost, and contact information should go in a header at the top of the page. Alternatively, you lot tin can place this information to a higher place the date on the top-left side of the page.

Left-aligned under the header should be the current date, followed by the addressee'due south proper noun, title, company/school name, and address.

2. Salutation

Every bit with any letter, the start line should accost the person or body of people you're writing to by name and title. Avoid vague salutations such as "To Whom It May Business," unless in that location are no other options bachelor to you.

Cheque out the offset step of our letter of recommendation writing guide for a more detailed explanation of how to craft the perfect salutation.

iii. Opening paragraph

Outset by expressing your sincere recommendation of the applicant, then explicate who you are, your relationship with the person you're recommending, and how long you've known them.

4. Bidder's achievements

The 2nd paragraph should outline the relevant academic or professional strengths of the applicant. Include one to two specific and detailed examples that demonstrate these strengths.

v. Applicant'southward personal traits and characteristics

The tertiary paragraph is all about personality. Include details of the applicant'southward positive personality traits, using examples that conspicuously showcase them.

6. Caption of applicant'south departure (optional)

This optional section is only used when writing letters of recommendation for employment. It should also simply exist included in cases when the applicant'south reason for leaving their previous or current company is either neutral or positive, such equally relocating for family reasons or outgrowing opportunities at their previous company.

7. Endmost paragraph

Reiterate your wholehearted recommendation of the applicant and encourage the reader to contact you lot with any questions they may have.

8. Sign-off

End your recommendation letter on a professional note, writing "Sincerely," and so your name underneath. If sending a difficult copy, exit some space to sign your signature in ink for an added personal bear upon.

Alphabetic character of recommendation formatting rules

While the most of import part of your letter is the content, the appearance of the page nonetheless requires some consideration. The alignment, margins, font size, and style can all impact the reader's impression.

The following simple guidelines volition ensure your recommendation letter looks professional:

  1. Don't exceed one folio in length unless the extra paragraphs and details you're including legitimately strengthen your recommendation. That being said, anything over ii pages is definitely too much.
  2. Use a 12-point font to maximize readability and economical use of space. Using an 11-point font in gild to maintain a i-folio length is acceptable but should be avoided when possible. Anything lower than 11 points is too small.
  3. Stick to basic font styles such equally Times New Roman, Arial, Helvetica, and Garamond. Avoid any overly stylistic fonts that could bear on readability.
  4. 1"–ane½" is the sugariness spot for margins. You could arguably go slightly over or under these limits to fit everything onto one page, just it's best to avoid annihilation too excessive.
  5. Maintain a left alignment throughout the entire folio to ensure an organized appearance.

Important steps before yous begin writing a alphabetic character of recommendation

Before you start writing your letter, there are a couple things you lot must exercise to ensure your reference letter of the alphabet is as compelling as possible.

Ask the applicant for information

Ask the applicant for a re-create of their resume, cover letter, personal essay, or any other documents they're submitting as part of their application. Read through them thoroughly and avoid repeating any of the information mentioned unless it'southward particularly of import.

It'south a skilful idea to ask the applicant to make full yous in on the role they're applying for as well every bit if in that location are any particular points or examples of their work they'd like you to mention, so yous can make your letter every bit relevant and specific as possible.

Conduct your ain inquiry

Exercise some research on the company, university, or scholarship the applicant is targeting, and customize your alphabetic character based on their requirements. If you're writing a recommendation letter of the alphabet for a job awarding, reading through the task clarification is a great way to go an idea of the specifics you should emphasize.

Think virtually the type of letter of the alphabet you're writing

Depending on the type of recommendation letter you're writing, the tone and contents will differ. If you're a manager writing for an employee, the tone volition be much more formal and the letter volition comprise a lot of detail regarding an bidder's professional achievements.

On the other cease of the spectrum, a character reference from a friend will be written in a more casual tone and focus more on an individual'southward personal strengths and characteristics.

Before writing your letter, think about the tone you should use and the details you want to highlight. This gives your letter of recommendation the best chance of leaving a positive kickoff impression.

How to write a recommendation letter

At present that we've gotten all the details out of the way, it's fourth dimension to write your letter. Following these steps will help y'all create a compelling letter that's certain to be an of import part of your recommendee's application.

i. Include a heading for a alphabetic character of recommendation

The heading that appears at the top of your recommendation letter should include your proper name and contact details. Not only does information technology wait more than professional person, but it conveniently provides the employer or institution with a style to achieve out to you, should they need more than data.

A heading for a letter of recommendation should look something like this:

Example of a heading for a letter of recommendation.

2. Use a polite and personable salutation

The way you greet someone when meeting them for the outset time has a huge impact on their impression of y'all. The manner you address someone in a letter is no different. So, it's important to apply a polite and personable salutation to beginning your letter off strong.

A proper salutation should be structured as follows:

Dear + Title + Proper noun of Recipient

The title will vary depending on the individual you're writing to. For example, if yous're addressing a hiring manager, you would utilise a general title such as Mr., Ms., or Mx.

Example i:

Beloved [Mr./Ms./Mx.] [Hiring Director's Last Proper noun],

On the other paw, if y'all were writing to a Professor or someone with a PhD, y'all should use their professional title, such equally Dr. or Professor.

Example two:

Dear Professor [Professor'due south Final Name],

Ideally, the applicant requesting the alphabetic character should provide you with the name of the person the letter should be addressed to. If non, a scrap of quick inquiry on LinkedIn, or the company/university website should yield some results.

What should I exercise if I don't know the proper name of the recipient?

Fifty-fifty if you lot don't know the name of the recipient, yous should still make your salutation as personable equally possible. This means fugitive weak openings that make no attempt to straight accost the reader.

For example, you should avoid using "To Whom it May Concern" when addressing the recipient.

Hither'south what you should practice instead:

Beloved [Title of Recipient],

For example, if yous're addressing a university's dean of admissions whose proper noun you don't know, write "Dearest Dean of Admissions". Whereas if you're writing to the hiring director of a visitor, write "Dear Hiring Manager".

How should I address a letter to a body of people or an organization?

When addressing a body of people such every bit an admissions committee or board of directors y'all should follow the same principles as those outlined in a higher place. The only difference is that the title of the recipient should be replaced past the name of the grouping or organization.

Hither is the exact formula:

Love [Name of Group or Organization],

Hither are some specific examples to give you a better idea of how to address your letter of the alphabet:

  • Love Admissions Committee
  • Dear Board of Directors
  • Dear Rhodes Trust

three. Beginning your introduction with a punch

The first judgement of your recommendation is arguably the most important because it sets the tone for the entire letter of the alphabet. The best openers are those that immediately express the heartfelt and enthusiastic recommendation of the bidder.

Here are some useful phrases you can use to write a potent first sentence:

  • Information technology'due south my pleasure to recommend…
  • It's my pleasance and accolade to…
  • I couldn't be more than pleased to…
  • I take admittedly no reservations about recommending…
  • I wholeheartedly recommend…

In comparison, a generic sentence that lacks enthusiasm such as "I am writing with regards to the recommendation for…" is both flat and unconvincing.

four. Establish your relationship

The balance of your introductory opening paragraph should be devoted to describing who you are and your human relationship to the bidder. This is an essential step because it establishes the relevance of your letter of the alphabet.

If you've known the applicant for a good length of fourth dimension, and are in a adept position to evaluate their strengths, then your letter volition have a stronger impact. When establishing your relationship, you should include the following information:

  • Your position and company/school
  • The capacity in which you know the applicant
  • How long you've known the bidder

Past including these details in the very beginning of your letter, the reader understands the context and force of your recommendation.

5. Give words of praise

Stop your introduction with a sentence or ii highlighting some of the bidder'due south central strengths or personality traits.

The following examples volition give you an idea of how you can write yours:

  • During that time, I watched Amelia abound into an exceptional individual who excels in both her bookish and personal pursuits.
  • Gregory was always an outstanding member of our team, and I have always been impressed by his professionalism and admirable personal qualities.

Don't worry about going into too much detail. The purpose of these sentences is to round out the opening paragraph, while simultaneously serving every bit a sneak peek of what's to come up in the torso of your letter.

six. Showcase the applicant's professional/academic strengths

Your outset body paragraph should start past mentioning 2–3 of the applicant's specific skills, talents, or experiences that are relevant to their target task position or college plan.

It's essential that these points are then followed upwardly with detailed and descriptive examples of the applicant'south accomplishments that prove these abilities.

Take a wait at the difference betwixt the following two examples from a reference letter written for a project manager:

No details:

  • Andrea is great at managing projects.

Specific and detailed:

  • Andrea'south in-depth knowledge of Scrum Methodologies helped increase the number of projects completed on time and within budget past 23%

Non only is the 2d example far more compelling, but information technology also showcases a professional accomplishment that demonstrates the skills the candidate can bring to a new role.

Whenever possible, include interesting anecdotes about the bidder that demonstrate the strengths and abilities you described. This volition create a more than personable tone that makes the reader feel equally though they're getting to know the applicant — ane of the key aspects of a stiff recommendation alphabetic character.

7. Highlight the applicant'due south personal qualities

The next body paragraph should focus on ii or three of the bidder'south positive personality traits and characteristics — specifically those that are beneficial or desirable for the position they desire.

Ane of the main reasons universities and sure companies request messages of recommendation is because they want to get a more than holistic understanding of the bidder. Mentioning just the applicant's academic or professional achievements isn't plenty to create a persuasive letter of the alphabet.

Instead, include relevant and specific examples or anecdotes about the person that highlight their best qualities. Let'southward take a look at some examples:

Here's an example without supporting information:

  • Joyce is a selfless and compassionate person.

At present, hither's an example with specific and detailed supporting examples:

  • Equally a member of Habitat for Humanity, Joyce demonstrated her compassion and selfless nature by providing invaluable mentorship to 20+ underprivileged children.

In case you're having trouble thinking of compelling ways to describe an applicant's personality, here'south a table containing some of the best personal qualities to include in a alphabetic character of recommendation:

Adaptability Energy Honesty Resourceful
Compassion Enthusiasm Integrity Responsible
Charisma Friendliness Intelligence Trustworthy
Determination Generosity Leadership Vibrant

Just be sure that you prove that the applicant possesses the personal qualities you mention with specific and detailed examples.

8. Encourage the reader to have the applicant

Begin the concluding paragraph by reiterating your enthusiastic recommendation of the applicant.

Apply potent, authoritative, and confident linguistic communication when writing this sentence. Accept a look at the following examples:

  • I am confident that Jon will brand an outstanding fellow member of your university's community.
  • At that place is no incertitude in my mind that Allison will quickly become an invaluable asset for your team.
  • It's my stiff opinion that Matthew will be a tremendous improver to the University of Virginia's graduate program in Theoretical Physics.

Finally, conclude by encouraging the reader to contact yous if they accept any questions about the applicant.

9. Politely sign-off

Your letter closing should be formal and polite. Apply whatsoever of the following sign-offs when ending your letter of recommendation:

  • Sincerely,
  • Regards,
  • Best regards,

Sincerely is widely considered to be the best sign-off because non merely is it undeniably polite, it likewise carries a warm, friendly tone. In cases where the closing is more than 1 give-and-take, simply the first letter of the start word should be capitalized.

How to ask for a letter of recommendation

Asking for a recommendation letter can seem like a daunting task, especially when y'all're not sure whether the person will accept. This guide volition bear witness you lot how to properly enquire for a reference alphabetic character, likewise as who and when to enquire.

When should I ask for ane?

You should only inquire for messages of recommendation when an application specifically calls for one, or when yous believe your application would be lacking without one.

The following are examples of when reference letters are required or useful:

  • Applying for University
  • Applying for Graduate School
  • Applying for a Scholarship
  • Applying for a job that requests one
  • Applying for an entry-level job with little or no work experience
  • Applying for a job as a instructor
  • Applying to work at a volunteer system

Who should I ask?

By and large speaking, you lot should ask someone you have a skilful relationship with who can also accurately speak to your strengths from a position of authority.

That beingness said, the best person to ask for a recommendation volition depend on what you're applying for.

6 tips for how to inquire for a recommendation letter of the alphabet

How you ask for a letter of the alphabet of recommendation can be the departure betwixt a person maxim yes or no. These half dozen tips will help you ask for a recommendation letter of the alphabet in a mode that makes it difficult to refuse.

ane. Inquire in person

Whenever possible, always ask for a recommendation in person. The person you inquire will appreciate that you lot took the time to brand a personal, face-to-face appeal.

2. Explicate your situation

Don't jump straight into request for a reference. Start by explaining exactly what yous're applying for so they empathise why yous're asking in the first place.

3. Use polite language

Utilize indirect language to ensure your tone is every bit polite equally possible when asking someone for a recommendation, even if y'all know the person very well.

For example, don't say: "Hey, can you write me a recommendation alphabetic character?"

Instead, say: "I was wondering if information technology might exist possible for you lot to write me a letter of recommendation."

This is by far the most important tip, so pay extra attending to it. In almost all cases, politeness is the almost important factor in disarming someone to accept your request.

iv. Give them an excuse to say no

In case the person yous're request is unwilling or unable to write you a letter, always follow up your request with a argument that allows them to hands decline. Don't put them in an awkward position where they have to straight refuse.

Example: "If you're too busy with other tasks to write it, I perfectly sympathize."

five. Emphasize why yous're asking them

Explain why you chose to inquire for a recommendation from them specifically. Many times this will help convince them to accept your request even if they're decorated.

Case: "I empathise that you might not have time, merely since you've taught me for 2 years and are familiar with my piece of work, I believe that no one is more qualified to write my recommendation letter than you."

6. Express your gratitude:

Tell them how appreciative you lot would be if they would take the time to write your letter. Withal, don't give them the impression that y'all wait them to accept.

Example: "I'd be so appreciative if you could write a letter of recommendation for me, if you are unable to do then, however, I completely empathize."

How to ask via email (with template)

If you're in a situation where yous can't ask for a recommendation in person, write a request via email. Simply follow the same guidelines outlined in the section above.

If you're notwithstanding unsure, we've created a professional template for writing a letter of the alphabet of recommendation email request below. Simply copy and paste the template so fill in your own details.

What information should I provide to the person writing my letter?

Once your writer has accepted your request, you need to provide them with as much useful data as possible. This will not only make things more user-friendly for your writer, but also ensure that they write you lot the best recommendation letter possible.

Here's some data you should provide:

  • Your resume & cover letter
  • Your personal argument (if you're a student applying for university)
  • The proper noun of your target university or company
  • A link to the clarification of your target job or plan
  • Personal strengths or characteristics y'all'd like them to focus on
  • Specific achievements you'd like them to mention


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