New Mexico Historical Society Albuquerque Musuem of Art Mark Childs


Travelers have been coming to the Southwest, and New Mexico in particular, for many thousands of years. The primeval nomadic hunter-gatherers were seeking their subsistence until the Mogollon civilization, in approximately 100 BC, settled in, building permanent pit houses and learning to farm. The Ancestral Pueblo people came next, with both these groups developing into the early Pueblo Culture.

It is interesting to note that in the start millennium, there are indications that transcontinental travel existed, as native people engaged in complex exchange networks trading both raw materials and finished artifacts over vast areas of Due north America. Obsidian, copper, pearls and other objects constitute in Ohio Valley Hopewell burying mounds provide show of materials that came from as far away as the Rocky Mountains, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Gulf of United mexican states.

Every bit the Pueblo culture was putting downwardly roots, the Athabascans—the Navajo and Apache people—moved in from the n. These hunter-gatherers ultimately developed a long and productive relationship with their Pueblo neighbors.

The side by side and biggest moving ridge of travelers were the Spanish explorers in the 1500's who were in search of wealth and glory, and certainly power. On their heels were the Spanish clergy seeking to convert "the heathens" to Christianity, and every bit the Spanish armed services presence grew, settlers moved into the Nuevo Mexico region. In 1598 Don Juan de Oñate congenital the commencement permanent settlement in the American westward; Don Pedro de Peralta founded Santa Iron as the get-go capital in 1610. Many decades passed with fighting and bloodshed the norm, but the Castilian settlers were adamant and remained. Travel and trade between Mexico and Nuevo Mexico connected to expand, with trade fairs from Taos to El Paso common past the 1790's.

Mountain men began arriving in Taos by 1750, and with the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, Taos became a base of operation and a refuge for these predominantly French-Canadian and American trappers and traders. Mexico'southward independence from Spain in 1821 dramatically inverse the course of events in the New Mexico Territory. American traders were no longer outlawed, but were welcomed past the young Mexican authorities, hungry for the tariffs their merchandise would bring. The economy of New United mexican states grew similar wildfire.

From 1821 until the coming of the railroad in 1879, the Santa Fe Trail served every bit a vital commercial and war machine highway. The 900-mile trail connected Onetime Franklin, Missouri to Santa Atomic number 26 and was the lifeline linking the New Mexico Territory to the Midwest and eastern The states. With Mexico'south independence from Spain, the Trail evolved into an international commercial highway used by Mexican and American traders.

The Trail provided a ready merchandise road for handmade ethnic appurtenances from the New Mexico Territory to discover their mode into Victorian parlors and private collections back east. Traders, located at pocket-sized posts in Hispanic villages, Navajo and Pueblo communities, accustomed Native American Unidentified - Tesuque Rain Godpottery and baskets, jewelry and weavings, and Castilian woodwork, weavings, and religious icons in commutation for the staples and manufactured goods they imported from the e. The traders then sold these objects to travelers and anthropologists as examples of a passing lifestyle, as the locals increased their dependence on manufactured products. Explaining this moment in the evolution of New Mexico's economy, Joseph Traugott in How the West is One notes that, "the commodification of indigenous objects played a key role in New Mexico's transition from a subsistence, agronomical economy to a money-based market economy." These trade items, representative of the indigenous culture of the Southwest, became an important cistron in promoting tourism; they were not only useful every bit bolt for trade and art objects for collectors, but also as curios for travelers. Enterprising 19th century traders encouraged the indigenous people to make "tourist fine art"—smaller and cheaper mementos of their trip.

With the Louisiana Purchase, the catastrophe of the Mexican-American War in 1848, and America's Ceremonious War (1861–1865), the westward expansion of America would alter this land forever. Empowered past the 19th century concepts of Manifest Destiny (the God-given directive for America to expand due west), and bearing the so-called "White Human's Burden," (the Christian moral obligation to convert and acculturate Native peoples), European-Americans became the next tidal moving ridge to journey to the Southwest.

The coming of the railroad to New Mexico in 1879 provided the easy access that was needed, opening full-scale trade and migration from the east and Midwest.

Beginnings of the Tourist Manufacture

The 1880's saw extensive growth in the numbers of people traveling to the Southwest. New United mexican states, its land and people, was a primary destination for:

  • ranchers and homesteaders looking for cheap land to settle on,
  • geological expeditions surveying the land,
  • ethnologists studying and documenting Native American lifestyles,
  • businessmen looking for opportunities to sell or manufacture their appurtenances,
  • adventurers and gold prospectors,
  • artists and photographers seeking inspiration, and
  • lawyers and politicians hoping to provide a legal and political organization for the lawless territory.

With the arrival of the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad in 1879, people could travel to New Mexico in relative ease, compared to the rigors of the Santa Fe Trail. Every bit life back due east prospered, a whole new population of travelers came west. These were the "tourists," people who had the time and means to accept tours for recreational or leisure purposes—a radical change in the concept of travel. With this newest influx, the conscious development of tourism as an industry took hold.

Sauerwein - Enchanted Mesa

Tourists were attracted to New Mexico for its great natural beauty. As images of the region appeared in magazines and journals, easterners were stunned past the huge spaces, deserts, canyons, and mountains. These views provided a remarkable dissimilarity to the gentler, refined mural, and built-upwards towns and cities where they lived. When artist Frederick Dellenbaugh, who accompanied Major John Wesley Powell'southward western geological expeditions, exhibited his landscape paintings at the 1904 St. Louis Globe's Fair, spectators could not believe such a place actually existed!

However, information technology was the exotic and romanticized images of Native American life that appeared in the pages of Harper's and Scribner's magazines that excited even greater interest—readers were fascinated with this vision of the Wild West and wanted to meet information technology for themselves.

Unidentified - The Snake Dance of the Moqui IndiansArtists flocked to New Mexico inspired past its vast natural dazzler and the ethnic cultures that were so different from their own. Many of the early artists worked in a classical painting tradition that tended to romanticize native life. Non being ethnographers, they oft created images mixing artifacts from their collections, thereby producing culturally inauthentic views of their subjects. These works were exhibited at galleries and expositions across the country, spreading a highly romantic, if non always accurate, vision of the Southwest.

The Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad realized the commonage power of these images for promoting travel, and was quick to appropriate the romance of the west every bit part of their advertising entrada. How could the Santa Fe Railroad make the trip itself appealing? For the gentrified tourist, traveling in comfort was a new concept. Enter Fred Harvey, whose impact on tourism in New Mexico is legendary.

After Couse - Corn CeremonyFred Harvey was an innovative entrepreneur who understood the tourist'due south needs, developing what became the first chain of restaurants across New Mexico and the westward—The Harvey House— standardizing high quality food and service at railroad eating-houses. Later, at more than prominent locations, these restaurants evolved into hotels, many of which survive today. By the late 1880s, there was a Fred Harvey dining facility located every 100 miles forth the Santa Fe Line. Another innovation was his policy of hiring merely female waitresses, the Harvey Girls, who were unmarried, well-mannered, and educated "immature women, eighteen to 30 years of historic period, of proficient character, attractive and intelligent," so his newspaper advertisement read.

Hance - Interior of the Indian Building at the Alvarado HotelHarvey is known for pioneering the fine art of commercial cultural tourism. His "Indian Detours" were meant to provide an accurate Native American experience by having actors stage a certain lifestyle in the desert in order to sell tickets to unwitting tourists. He became a postcard publisher, both to promote concern, and to serve as souvenirs. In 1902 at the Alvarado Hotel in Albuquerque, Harvey built a museum and souvenir store to show and sell Native American fine art, and fifty-fifty earlier began to commission Indian jewelry to sell at his outlets. Harvey's daring vision helped to create New Mexico as a major tourist  destination. His multi-generational family business essentially invented the hospitality industry, radically changing the way Americans traveled and spent their leisure fourth dimension forever.

The Art of New Mexico: How the W is One
Joseph Traugott
Museum of New Mexico Printing, Santa Fe, 2007

Ambition for America: How Visionary Man of affairs Fred Harvey Built a Railroad Hospitality Empire That Civilized the Wild W
Stephen Fried
Runted, 2010

Tourism and the Arts

Tourism and the arts go paw in paw in New Mexico, from the early on days when tourism became a witting industry, through to our own times.

Vroman - The Man with the Hoe, Moki PueblosIn the late 19th century the ii master ideas motivating artists to visit and work here were the concept of New Mexico as a picturesque locale with an exotic and colorful population, and counter to this view, the goal of preserving and documenting authentic lifestyles of the Native American and Hispanic communities. Both of these visions resulted in paintings and photography shown dorsum eastward in galleries and museums, magazines and newspapers, souvenir postcards, and incorporated into calendars and advertising materials.

One early on group of artists settled in Taos. Bert Geer Phillips had studied at the Julian Academy in Paris, where he met Ernest Blumenschein and Joseph Sharp. Their passionate interest in the landscape and people of the New Mexico pueblos inspired their fateful trip to the southwest in 1898. Exterior of Taos, the carriage they were travelling in lost a wheel bringing them into the town where, inspired by the landscape, they decided to stop and paint. They became the but white artists operating in the region, displaying their work out of their studios, and becoming a major attraction for white tourists in Taos. The three artists helped found the Taos Society of Artists whose six original members, including E. Irving Couse, W. Herbert Dunton, and Oscar Berninghaus, tended to be European-trained illustrators and painters. By 1915, there were more a hundred artists working in Taos, though only a handful were voted into the Taos society which finally disbanded in 1927, possibly due to decreased sales and publicity.

Classical European art, which had formed the foundation for most of the teaching that American artists experienced, had gone through a radical evolution. With the invention of the camera in the late 1800's, adventurous artists in Europe felt liberated from the necessity to make representational art—the camera could exercise that! Instead, they began to experiment with artmaking itself as Impressionism, Expressionism, Fauvism and Cubism began to replace traditional movie making. In 1913, many American artists were treated to their first view of these new developments at the Armory for the Arts Exhibition in New York City where they saw the piece of work of Cezanne and Matisse, Picasso and Duchamp, and a long list of other innovators. For some, it was considered a scandalous show, fifty-fifty an outrage. But for the history of American fine art, it was a watershed that introduced artists, collectors, art historians and the public accustomed to realistic fine art, to mod art. The show served as a catalyst for American artists, who became more than contained and created their own "artistic language." New Mexico and its wide-open spaces offered an ideal identify to explore, both in terms of subject field matter and artistic style.

In the early on years of the 20th century artists came to New United mexican states in large numbers having been inspired by the early images, or having heard reports and seen the work of friends who had visited; some artists came for wellness issues finding the climate a respite for their tuberculosis. The coming of New Mexico Statehood in 1912 saw a rapid increase in the population.

Seventy miles s of Taos, a whole other arts community was quickly developing. Later on the First World War, Santa Fe became what Joseph Traugott calls a "modernist destination," equally artists looking for fresh subject matter and a new approach in their painting came in droves. The modernist painters responded to the landscape and Native American and Hispanic life with more abstract, visually experimental paintings, which offered an opportunity for their own intellectual and emotional expression.

Nordfeldt - Antelope DanceAnother large draw for the modernists to Santa Fe was the opening in 1917 of the Museum of New United mexican states Art Gallery (its proper name was inverse to the Museum of Fine Arts in 1962). Edgar Hewett, an archeologist, educator, and ambassador, was an instrumental figure in the development of the Museum and its first manager. He understood the significance of the Museum and the arts for the economical development of the metropolis and worked with local community leaders as well as state regime to go the public and private funding that was needed to build a museum in a pocket-size town. Encouraged by Robert Henri, a well-known painter from New York City with a stiff social conscience, Hewett developed the Museum'due south Open-Door Policy, a non-exclusionary plan which allowed whatever artist working in New United mexican states to exhibit his or her work without the need for pre-approval by a jury. This radical autonomous idea, closely allied to the progressive thinking of many younger Eastern artists, poets, and intellectuals, proved to exist an enormous attraction.

Martinez - Jar with AvanyuWith a groundwork in archaeology, Hewett also developed a program providing support for Pueblo artists like Maria Martinez, to work with historic clay and images, prompting a revival of pottery every bit a key ingredient in the economic development of Pueblo artists. The Museum's open-door policy created a revolutionary model for exhibiting both ethnic Native American and Hispanic artists alongside the piece of work of recognized New York painters and sculptors, making Santa Fe an ideal surround for the expansion of the arts for both economic development and as an attraction for tourists.

Many of the Modernist artists from New York joined forces in Santa Fe, just as the earlier artists did in Taos. Los Cinco Pintores consisted of Fremont Ellis, Jozeph Bakos, Walter Mruk, Will Shuster, and Willard Nash banding together in 1921 to experiment with modernist painting methods and leading colorful lifestyles. Another loose coalition called the New Mexico Painters formed in 1923 included Gustave Baumann, Ernest Blumenschein, and B.J.O. Norfeldt; their purpose, according to Time Mag, November, 1923, was to hold annual exhibitions in New York, Chicago, and other fine art centers. For these artists, by the 1920's the shift was from an ethnographic focus to painting itself. They were all interested in showing and selling their work.

As the arts customs grew through the 1920's, and so did the conflicts around tourism—whether to maintain Santa Fe's (and its ethnic and modernist) actuality, or whether to cater to the tourist trade. Tourist revenues had become an essential component of the metropolis'due south income. In 1926 Road 66 wound its way through the land and car travel opened the floodgates—tourism expanded exponentially. A series of all-community events and festivals celebrating the city's tri-cultural population provided an exciting destination for travelers interested in the arts and civilization of the Southwest:

  • The Santa Fe Fiesta, which had first taken place in 1712, was revived in 1919.
  • The Starting time Almanac Exhibition of Indian Arts and Civilization, took identify in 1922, later evolving into the world-renowned Santa Fe Indian Market.
  • In 1925, the Castilian Colonial Arts Club was founded and had its showtime Spanish Market place in 1926.
  • That same yr artist Will Shuster moved his traditional burning of One-time Man Gloom downtown behind Urban center Hall, and the called-for of Zozobra became an almanac event.

Tapia - Viva La Fiesta (Zozobra)To provide a comfortable place for both in and out-of-country tourists to spend the night, La Fonda was remodeled in 1921. The Santa Atomic number 26 Plaza became the hub of the city—the central place for locals and tourists to enjoy the city's many cultural offerings.

When the New York Stock Market Crash of 1929 put an abrupt stop to economic growth all across the country, the Southwest saw a sharp decline in tourism and the revenues the industry engendered.

The Art of New Mexico: How the Westward is One
Joseph Traugott
Museum of New Mexico Press, Santa Fe, 2007

Land of Enchantment

As Santa Fe and Taos were developing into arts destinations for travelers, other areas of New Mexico were being clean-cut for tourists interested in the natural wonders of the land. The year 1876 marked the grand centennial for the United States, and American nationalists seized upon the grand scenic vistas, particularly found in the American West, as a source of national pride. As the century neared its close, these "treasures" were increasingly included in national parks.

This national development had significant implications for tourism locally. The economic benefits to be derived from park status were not lost on early promoters. Parks brought visitors who would crave a variety of services that translated into businesses and jobs. Following the Yellowstone Act, other park proposals proliferated as politicians sought a like resources for their districts.

New Mexico's ain Stewart Udall, Secretarial assistant of the Interior nether John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson, played a awe-inspiring office in protecting non merely the country's, only the country's natural resources. He aggressively promoted an expansion of federal public lands and assisted with the enactment of major environmental legislation. He oversaw the improver of four parks, vi national monuments, eight seashores and lakeshores, nine recreation areas, 20 historic sites and 56 wildlife refuges to the National Park arrangement. Udall's piece of work was central to the enactment of environmental laws such equally the Clear Air, H2o Quality and Clean Water Restoration Acts and Amendments, the Wilderness Act of 1964, the Endangered Species Preservation Act of 1966, the National Trail System Act of 1968, and Wild and Scenic Rivers Human activity of 1968.

Chaco Canyon

In the middle of the 19th century, several of Chaco'south major ruins were rediscovered. The commencement archaeological investigation commenced in May 1896, when the Hyde Exploring Expedition started work on Pueblo Bonito. This expedition launched over a century of archaeological excavations and surveys in the canyon and outlying areas and led to the cosmos of Chaco Coulee National Monument in 1907 under the auspices of the 1906 Antiquities Act.

Beginning in 1937 the Civilian Conservation Corps, part of the New Bargain Work Relief Plan, funded an experimental Mobile Unit to work on ruins salvage and stabilization, standing to 1970. The coiffure was mostly Navajo, including one female member. Many members of the current preservation crew are 2d-generation Chaco stonemasons related to the original team. By 1959, the National Park Service had synthetic a park visitor middle, staff housing, and campgrounds.

Chaco was listed with the National Register of Celebrated Places in 1966, and in 1980, the monument boundaries were expanded; the proper noun was changed to Chaco Culture National Historical Park. The park received international attention when it was recognized as a World Heritage Cultural Park in 1987.

National Park Service
Chaco Culture, National Historic Park
http://world wide

Aztec Ruins

Aztec Ruins National Monument, bounded on the east by the Animas River, preserves an extensive customs of multi-story structures, smaller residential buildings, roadways, formalism kivas, earthworks, and artifacts left past the 11th through 13th century ancestors of today'south Puebloans of the Southwest. The site was alleged Aztec Ruin National Monument in 1923 and changed to Aztec Ruins in 1928. Information technology was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1966, and in 1987 was added to the UNESCO listing of World Heritage Sites, as part of the Chaco Culture National Historical Park.

National Park Service
Aztec Ruins National Monument
http://world wide

Bandelier National Monument

Bandelier's human being history extends back for over 10,000 years when nomadic hunter-gatherers followed migrating wild animals across the mesas and canyons. Past 1150 CE Ancestral Pueblo people began to build more permanent settlements. By 1550 the Bequeathed Pueblo people, formerly called the Anasazi, had moved from their homes on the mesas to pueblos along the Rio Grande (Cochiti, San Felipe, San Ildefonso, Santa Clara, Santo Domingo).

In the mid-1700's Spanish settlers with Spanish country grants made their homes in Frijoles Canyon. In 1880 Jose Montoya of Cochiti Pueblo brought Adolph F. A. Bandelier, an influential nineteenth century historian and anthropologist to the region, which became one of Bandelier's favorite places for archaeological research. He went on to undertake pioneering ethnographic and archaeological research in the American Southwest and the cardinal Andes, laying the foundation for anthropological research in these areas.

The institution of the Bandelier National Monument in 1916 was a direct consequence of alien pressures on the limited space of the Pajarito Plateau. Archaeologists, homesteaders, stockmen, and the Santa Fe business community all had a stake in the region. Each grouping thought its use should take precedence and none retreated from its position. The intervention of Federal agencies only complicated an already volatile situation, and the eventual establishment of the monument was a compromise that was a prelude to further disharmonize. In 1916 legislation to create Bandelier National Monument was signed by President Woodrow Wilson. Betwixt 1934 and 1941 workers from the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) worked from a military camp synthetic in Frijoles Canyon. Among their accomplishments is the route into Frijoles Canyon, the current company center, a new social club, and miles of trails. For several years during World State of war Two the park was airtight to the public and the Bandelier lodge was used to house Manhattan Project scientists and military personnel.

Today the National Park Service co-operates with surrounding pueblos, other federal agencies and land agencies to manage the park, which receives 300,000 visitors annually.

National Park Service
Bandelier National Monument

Gila Cliff Dwellings

Batchelor - Geronimo - Apache ChiefThe Mogollon once flourished in the Gila region leaving their imprint when they moved on, around 1300. Past the time the first Spanish ready foot in southwest New Mexico, the Mogollons and Mimbrenos had both disappeared, and Apaches, by and large Chiricahua, inhabited the area. Led by famous chiefs such equally Cochise and Geronimo, the Apaches retreated to a remote stronghold, into the rugged forests and mountains of the wilderness. Because of their fierce protectiveness, the area remained undeveloped into the 1870s when the Apaches were squeezed out by Mexican and white settlers, ranchers, miners and prospectors.

In 1907 President Roosevelt, past executive proclamation, prepare bated a quarter section of land containing the "Gila Hot Springs Cliff-Houses" as Gila Cliff-Dwellings National Monument, specifically prohibiting settlement on the reservation and impairment or cribbing of whatsoever of its features.

Aldo Leopold, a onetime Forest Service employee who devoted nearly of his adult life to preserving the nation'due south wild places, lobbied to have the Wilderness preserved by an administrative procedure of excluding roads and denying utilize permits. Through his efforts, this area became recognized in 1924 as the first wilderness area in the National Woods Organisation. In 1964 President Lyndon B. Johnson enacted The Wilderness Act of 1964 designating sure Wood Service archaic areas every bit wilderness where humans are considered visitors, not residents of these areas, and machines are not allowed. Gila became the first congressionally designated wilderness area in the Wilderness Preservation system.

National Park Service
Gila Cliff Dwellings

Desert The states
http://world wide

White Sands

A determined group of local promoters dreamed of attracting some kind of development to the Alamogordo surface area in club to capitalize on the dunes. Many proposals had been submitted regarding commercial development of the gypsum found in the dunes, but none had come to fruition. Seizing on the park idea, Tom Charles, i of the leaders suggested, "Gypsum may exist divided into two classes - Commercial and Inspirational. The one-time everybody has, only as for recreational gypsum, we have it all. No place else in the earth do you find these alabaster dunes with the dazzler and splendor of the Corking White Sands".

Weston - Untitled (White Sands, New Mexico)Charles' enthusiasm for the projection was contagious and his perceptions most the value of the dunes also proved accurate. Interest in some sort of national recognition for the resource grew throughout the latter office of the 1920s. Studies were conducted by the National Park Service who adamant that while the dunes might not meet the criteria for National Park status, which required a multifariousness of resource values, the setting was ideal for preservation as a national monument. With the total bankroll of the New Mexico congressional delegation, as well as the support of communities from El Paso to Roswell, success was achieved.

Formal recognition for the uniqueness of the white sands of southern New Mexico came in 1933, when President Herbert Hoover, acting nether the authority of the Antiquities Act of 1906, proclaimed and established a White Sands National Monument.

In some ways the timing was fortuitous, for the establishment of the monument coincided with the dark days of the Low and the economic recovery programs of the Roosevelt administration. WPA funds were used to improve many park areas and White Sands benefited past achieving a full mensurate of development within but a few years of opening. Construction projects included the visitor center/administrative building, maintenance facilities, public restrooms, and park residences. All of these buildings are still in service.

The park is currently examining its role every bit a laboratory for desert inquiry and the potential for new programs in desert ecology. Its total moon evening guided walks are famous around the world. The park volition also be looking for new ways to provide for company interaction with the desert's resources.

National Park Service
White Sands National Monument

Carlsbad Caverns

The park'south cultural resource correspond a long and varied continuum of human apply starting in prehistoric times, and illustrating many adaptations to the Chihuahuan Desert environment. Human activities, including prehistoric and historic American Indian occupations, European exploration and settlement, industrial exploitation, commercial and cavern accessibility development, and tourism have each left reminders of their presence, and each has contributed to the rich and various history of the area.

Carlsbad Cave National Monument was established in 1923 when the outset photographs too appeared in the New York Times, stimulating interest in the cavern. Of import events enhancing the rise of tourism were:

  • From 1923 to 1927 the first trails, stairs and lights were installed, including a staircase from the natural entrance to Bat Cavern.
  • 1927. Cavern Supply Company was established every bit the park concessioner with an entry fee of $ii.00 per person.
  • 1928. Amelia Earhart visited the caverns.
  • 1930. Congress designated the site as Carlsbad Caverns National Park.
  • 1931. A 750' elevator shaft was drilled and blasted from both ends—the surface and the cavern, and the elevator was installed, going into operation in January 1932. (Two larger elevators and another shaft were added in the middle 1950s.)1937. The park received its i millionth visitor.
  • 1938-1942. A Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) army camp was established at Rattlesnake Springs to continue construction.1959. Construction of the current visitor middle was completed; quondam stone buildings most the cave archway were removed and tour operations transferred to the visitor center.
  • 1967. Self-guided trips through the Big Room were begun, with Rangers stationed at points throughout the Large Room interpreting their section as visitors pass by.
  • 1986. Lechuguilla Cave is discovered to go further than expected. Over the coming years, it was taken to over 110 miles of explored passageway.
  • 1995. Carlsbad Caverns National Park was declared a World Heritage Site.
  • 2005. A full of 39,000,000 tourists take visited the Monument.

Today, Carlsbad Cave National Monument receives more almanac visitors than whatever other cultural resource in the state.

National Park Service
Carlsbad Caverns National Park

The Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge

The Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge was established under Franklin Roosevelt's administration in 1939 "every bit a refuge and breeding grounds for migratory birds and other wildlife." The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, with the back up of farmers and the Friends of the Bosque del Apache, have effectively re-established a wetlands environment, post-obit the ecological wreckage caused by wood devastation, overgrazing, excessive hunting, river diversion and alien found invasion. The Bosque del Apache has become an important ecology success story attracting thousands of birders and other eco-tourists each fall to watch the return of the Sandhill Cranes, Snowfall Geese, and other species wintering there.

U.s.a. Fish and Wildlife Service
Bosque del Apache National Wild animals Refuge

Desert Us
Jay Sharp
http://world wide

New Mexico's Cities: Condign Tourist Destinations

The inflow of the Model T Ford in1908 inverse the face of America forever. As automobiles became accessible Americans began to travel further, and as travel increased, the public called for a standardized National Highway System. By 1926 a bill was signed in Washington D. C. and Route 66 became a reality. The 2,400-mile "Mother Road" connected modest towns across the Midwest and West with the big cities of Los Angeles and Chicago. With route improvements and the appearance of Interstate 40 and Interstate 25 later on, the ease of travel inaugurated a dramatic increase in tourism, with both small and big cities in New Mexico developing their unique tourist attractions.


The city of Clovis, located in the Llano Estacado and largely an agricultural and ranching customs, is besides an important destination for tourists with two dissimilar interests.

Blackwater Draw was first recognized in 1929 as i of the most well-known and significant sites in N American archæology. Early investigations at Blackwater Draw recovered prove of human occupation in association with Late Pleistocene fauna, including Columbian mammoth, camel, equus caballus, bison, sabertooth cat and dire wolf. Since its discovery, the site has been a focal indicate for scientific investigations by bookish institutions and organizations from across the nation. The Blackwater Depict Museum get-go opened to the public in 1969 primarily to display artifacts describing and interpreting life at the site from Clovis times (over 13,000 years ago) through the contempo historic menstruum. Due to its tremendous long-term potential for boosted research and to public interest, the site was incorporated into the National Register of Historic Places in 1982. More recently, information technology was declared a National Celebrated Landmark.

On a totally different note, Clovis describes itself at "the urban center built on Rock 'n' Ringlet." Recently dubbed as New Mexico'south 'all-time kept hugger-mugger,' the Norman Petty 7th Street Studio is responsible for the "Clovis Sound," made popular past such greats as Buddy Holly and Roy Orbison who recorded at the studio. The original equipment is still in the studio. In 2007, the State of New Mexico recognized the studio with a NM Scenic Celebrated Marker, which is the beginning completed roadside marker commemorating Rock 'n' Coil culture that followed World State of war II. The Norman & Vi Petty Rock & Roll Museum
 honors Norman and Vi Piddling and the artists who recorded at the 7th Street studio. A jukebox plays songs from the 50s and reminds visitors that Stone 'n' Roll is here to stay. The museum recreates a working recording studio from the 1950s and displays artifacts and memorabilia from the studios, including the original mixing board used past Norman Petty to record Buddy Holly and the Crickets. The almanac Clovis Music Festival attracts hundreds of Rock 'n' Roll lovers.

Clovis Chamber of Commerce

Eastern New Mexico Academy
Blackwater Draw Museum
http://world wide

Las Cruces

Millions of years before the dinosaurs, Las Cruces teemed with reptiles and amphibians, whose stories are told in the countless scattering of fossils in nearby mountains and deserts. According to geologists, southern New Mexico was covered by a great inland sea 600 million years ago. When the ocean retreated, many fossils were left behind.

The area where Las Cruces rose was commencement inhabited by the Mogollon People and later, the Apache. Information technology was colonized by the Castilian beginning in 1598 when Juan de Oñate claimed all territory north of the Rio Grande for New Spain and later became the first governor of the Castilian territory of New Mexico. The area remained under New Spain control until 1821 when the Start Mexican empire claimed ownership. The Republic of Texas likewise claimed the surface area during this time until the cease of the Mexican American War in 1846-48. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848 established the United States as owner of this territory and Las Cruces was founded in 1849 when the U.s. Army laid out the town plans. The first railroad train reached Las Cruces in 1881, but non existence a terminus or a crossroads, the population merely grew to 2,300 in the 1880s. Las Cruces was incorporated every bit a town in 1907.

Las Cruces has become the economic and geographic eye of the fertile Mesilla Valley, the agronomical region on the overflowing obviously of the Rio Grande extending from Hatch, NM, to the westward side of El Paso, TX. The growth of Las Cruces has been attributed to the university, government jobs and recently retirees. New Mexico Land Academy was founded in 1888, New Mexico's only country-grant institution. The establishment of White Sands Missile Range in 1944 and White Sands Examination Facility in 1963 has supported the city's growth and employment because Las Cruces is the nearest urban center to each.

Las Cruces CVB

Las Vegas

Las Vegas can claim some interesting characters as part of its describe to tourists as a true boondocks of the Old West. Doc Holliday had a dentist's office in town. Baton the Kid hung out there. Teddy Roosevelt visited and recruited many of his Crude Riders from the local population for the Castilian-American War.

The twenty-nine Spanish settlers, who founded the city in 1835, received the Las Vegas land grant from the Mexican authorities, laying out their fledgling town in the traditional Castilian way, with a big central plaza anchoring the surrounding community. Las Vegas was New Mexico'south first territorial capital—for ane mean solar day. As the first New Mexican settlement encountered past supply trains on their journey on the Santa Fe Trail traveling from the United States, jobs and commerce increased as the town grew to over ane,000 people by 1860. During the next 20 years, its population quadrupled equally it established itself equally a major trade center, with businesses as well every bit residences lining the plaza. The arrival of the railroad in 1879 solidified the metropolis'due south position every bit a mercantile center. At its peak, Las Vegas' trade surface area included all of eastern New Mexico and western Texas. A long period of economical refuse followed the 1930's Depression.

The Montezuma Hotel, later known as Montezuma Castle, was built in 1882 as a hot springs resort by the Fred Harvey Company and the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad, becoming the first building in New United mexican states with electric lights. The resort hotel, close to the Montezuma Hot Springs, was a popular destination for travelers making the crossing from east to w and dorsum. The Castle closed in 1903 and deteriorated; in 1981 the Armand Hammer Foundation bought the property locating the American campus of the United World College there. Tours are still being given.

The city's long dormancy was a boon to celebrated preservation, since it stopped development and permitted an architectural feast for the many people who visit Las Vegas today. There are over 900 structures in Las Vegas that are listed on the National Annals of Historic Places.

Northeast of Las Vegas is Fort Spousal relationship National Monument. Established in 1851 to provide escort and protection for travelers on the westward end of Santa Iron Trail, Fort Union grew to be the largest fort in the American Southwest, functioning as a military garrison, territorial arsenal, and armed services supply depot for the region.

Southwest Aviator

New York Times
http://world wide


Myers - Raton Pass, New MexicoRaton Pass had been used by Castilian explorers and Indians for centuries to cut through the rugged Rocky Mountains, but the trail was too rough for wagons on the Santa Fe Trail. Raton was founded at the site of Willow Springs, a stop on the Santa Atomic number 26 Trail. The original 320 acres for the Raton town site were purchased from the Maxwell Land Grant in 1880. In 1879, the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Atomic number 26 Railroad bought a local toll road and established a busy rail line. Raton quickly developed every bit a railroad, mining and ranching center for the northeast function of the New Mexico territory, as well as the county seat and primary trading center of the area. In the early 1900's, a visitor could take stayed at Raton's Gate City Motel for $i.25 a nighttime.

Dr. James Jackson Shuler served equally mayor of Raton from 1899-1902 and 1910-1919, undertaking a number of impressive projects, including development of a Raton city park, electric and water filtration plant, Raton Water Works, Raton Public Library, and the structure of the municipal auditorium, the Shuler Theater, whose outset product was a national touring company show of The Red Rose, a Victorian musical comedy that opened April 27, 1915.

City of Raton


Blackdom was a modest cocky-sufficient African-American customs eighteen miles southward of Roswell. Established in the early on 1900s, it was an epicenter of social life during its heyday before succumbing to ghost town status in 1929. Blackdom was known far and wide for its famous oral cavity-watering pies and its 4th of July and Juneteenth celebrations. At ane point, information technology was even hailed for being the only community in the state with a college-educated teacher. October 26, 2002, was proclaimed Blackdom Day by the governor of New United mexican states, and a historical mark was erected at a rest cease on Highway 285, between Roswell and Artesia to commemorate the community.

The 24,536-acre Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge was established in 1937 to provide habitat for thousands of migrating sand loma cranes and waterfowl. It is ane of more than 500 refuges throughout the United States managed by the Fish and Wildlife Service. The National Wild fauna Refuge Organization is the only national system of lands dedicated to conserving our wild fauna heritage for people today and for generations yet to come up, providing habitat for some of the nigh rare creatures in New Mexico.

The Roswell Museum and Fine art Eye opened in 1937, deriving its initial support from the Works Progress Administration (WPA) as role of a Low era project to promote public art centers nationwide. It was founded through an agreement with the City of Roswell, the WPA and Federal Fine art Project, the Chaves County Archaeological and Historical Order, and the Roswell Friends of Art. In its proposed plan, the WPA established that "the root of the community art center idea is participation by the entire community in all forms of fine art experience…" The stated purpose of the Museum was "to serve the art needs of Roswell [through] continuously irresolute exhibitions in the fine and applied arts, lectures and gallery talks [music programs and an art school where classes were offered free to the public]. The Museum has expanded, proving itself a popular stopping signal for tourists visiting Chaves County.

Roswell's more than recent history includes a mysterious crash of a supposed UFO that occurred north of the city in 1947. Responsible local citizens who witnessed the crash remained tranquillity well-nigh the doings until they retired. When their story surfaced, the city received world attending. Local business people encouraged the idea of a dwelling for information on the Roswell Incident and other UFO phenomena; in 1992 the Roswell UFO Museum was opened to the public. The event has been thousands of people visiting annually and a new multi-million dollar tourism industry for the urban center.

New Mexico Tourism Department

International UFO Museum and Research Center

Roswell Museum and Art Centre

Santa Iron

Santa Atomic number 26 draws more than one meg visitors annually.

The Native Americans that inhabited New United mexican states long earlier Spanish contact continue to enrich the state today. There are nineteen pueblos located around the state; the 8 Northern Indian Pueblos surrounding Santa Fe offer an invitation to experience the timeless cultures, traditions, arts and beliefs of the Puebloans at Feast Days and Dances year-round.

Santa Fe is recognized as i of the near intriguing urban environments in the nation, due largely to the city's preservation of historic buildings and a modern zoning code, passed in 1958, that mandates the urban center'south distinctive Castilian-Pueblo mode of compages based on the adobe (mud and harbinger) and forest structure of the past.

Santa Fe has as well been the region'southward seat of culture and civilisation (see the earlier section on "Tourism and the Arts" for an extensive discussion on its office equally an fine art heart). In fact, Santa Fe is considered ane of the nigh distinctive arts destinations in the country; in 2005, Santa Fe became the outset U.S. city to be chosen by UNESCO every bit a Creative City, i of only nine cities in the earth to agree this designation.

Santa Atomic number 26'due south history as a capital urban center dates to 1610, when conquistador Don Pedro de Peralta established it as the capital for the Spanish "Kingdom of New Mexico." The Palace of the Governors, congenital in 1610, served as Kingdom of spain's seat of regime; it is the oldest public building in the country and at present houses the country'due south history museum. Today'due south New Mexico Country Capitol, known as the Roundhouse, is the merely round capitol building in the state. Information technology combines elements of New United mexican states Territorial style, Pueblo adobe architecture and Greek Revival adaptations.

Other aspects of "The City Different," that have attracted visitors both past and present:

  •  In the early on 20th century many people were drawn to Santa Fe's dry climate as a cure for tuberculosis. These "lungers" were artists, politicians and scientists who came to the region seeking a healthier lifestyle. Spas and healing centers abound; the city's many healing centers offer old and new modalities for attaining good health.
  •  In 1956 John Crosby congenital the Santa Fe Opera, which has developed into one of America'south premier summer opera festivals, drawing 77,000 people to its open-air theater where the view is almost as exciting as the music.
  • The city is surrounded by thousands of acres of pristine wilderness in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains and is an platonic location for hikers, skiers, snowshoers, mountain bikers, river rafters, and horseback riders.

Santa Fe Convention and Tourist Bureau


Cassidy - Cui Bono?The city of Taos is located close to the Taos Pueblo, the village and tribe from which it takes its name. Taos Pueblo's multi-storied adobe buildings have been continuously inhabited for over 1000 years, and is the just living Native American community designated both a World Heritage Site by UNESCO and a National Historic Landmark. In a landmark conclusion in 1970, the U.S. authorities returned sacred Blueish Lake to Taos Pueblo.

As the town of Taos grew, it played an active part in the tumultuous history of New United mexican states. In the 1700's it became a base of functioning and a refuge for the predominantly French-Canadian and American trappers and traders; the Taos Trade Fair became fifty-fifty more pop equally a effect of their presence. Equally the town settled and civilized, it besides slowly began to describe tourists. In 1898 the start American artists, Ernest Blumenschien and Bert Phillips arrived when their wagon wheel bankrupt. They were inspired to stay, and later to found an Artist Colony. Like Santa Iron, Taos became a seat of culture in the early on 20th century (encounter the earlier section on "Tourism and the Arts" for an extensive discussion on its role as an art heart) continuing to attract artists and art lovers to the present mean solar day.

Other attractions that take made Taos a major tourist destination in the 21st century are:

  • The historic homes of Kit Carson (frontiersman), Mabel Dodge Luhan (arts patron), D.H. Lawrence (writer), and Padre Antonio José Martínez (early Parish priest, rancher, and community leader), Taos Plaza, 1 of the few places in the country where the American flag may be properly displayed 24-hour interval and night,
  • San Francisco de Asis Church building in Ranchos de Taos, an adobe church painted and photographed by almost every noted artist who has visited the town for its sculptural dazzler.
  • In 1955, Ernie Blake created Taos Ski Valley, and to this day skiers are attracted to Taos.

Baumann - Church - Ranchos de Taos

Taos County Historical Society

Taos Bedchamber of Commerce

Taos Pueblo

Tourism Today

Tourism is big business for the people, cities, and state of New Mexico. The travel industry:

  • is the largest private sector employer,
  • is the 2nd largest individual sector manufacture in the land,
  • employs more 110,000 workers,
  • generates payroll in excess of $1 Billion, and
  • travelers spend more than $five.7 Billion in New Mexico annually.

In addition to the traditional forms of tourism that travelers wait for, both the cities and country have developed innovative offerings to attract travelers of all interests, incomes, and ages:

  • Artistic Tourism,
  • Agritourism,
  • Cultural and Heritage Tourism,
  • Sustainable Tourism,
  • Culinary Tourism,
  • Eco-tourism,
  • Astronomy Tourism,
  • Gaming Tourism,
  • Film Tourism.

New Mexico Tourism Section

Tourism Association of New Mexico


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