When Will Autumn Dreams Show Again

Autumn Dreams (TV Movie 2015) Poster

7 /x

Above boilerplate Authentication movie

Alarm: Spoilers

This Hallmark movie is better than the usual over sweet romance they churn out.

A teenage couple in a subcontract in Iowa elope but her begetter breaks them up considering they are too young. 15 years later the disparateness was never filed and then they meet upward again. He's a success in NYC and she is still farming away. Of grade you know what happens. Information technology's nice that nobody is a villain hither especially the other parties that are in dear with the couple. The way the situation unfolds is quite well done without likewise many clichés or painful awkward moments. The 2 stars are adequately likable besides - Jill Wagner and Colin Eggelsfield.

The but problem is where are they going to live after that? He tin can't surrender Manhattan!

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10 /x

A Conceivable Story!

Loved it loved it loved information technology! Although I am a Hallmark fanatic, this is the best movie e'er.

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viii /10

Don't heed to the reviews!

My husband and I enjoyed this movie and found it very entertaining! Jill Wagner did a great job (as always) every bit the lead. It was a trivial dissimilar from most of the Authentication movies which was refreshing.

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8 /x

Great movie

I have watched it alot and it enjoyed the story and was done well. It captures a special sparkle

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5 /10

Piece of cake Going movie

A typical Hallmark Romantic Movie. Ii Immature kids fall in honey, are forced into an disparateness, and fifteen years pass. Being a Authentication presentation it won't be as well hard to effigy out the ending. The story is uncomplicated, the acting is okay (first time I've seen Jill Wagner, male child, she is stunning), just the experience good cistron gives this TV picture another star.

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9 /10

That's why I watch Authentication

The moving picture is very reminiscent of Pretty Woman for me. I don't agree with the bad reviews, I like both leads and the driver . I have seen information technology twice on Authentication and enjoyed it enough to buy it. That is why I watch Hallmark, for romantic, soft dearest stories. Information technology fits the neb.

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10 /10

This happened to me subsequently 8 years ....

Never doubt that love, truthful love can prevail. And anyone who believes that TRUE love does non stand up upward to the test of fourth dimension,other loves, and miles of separation. Have never experienced it and can not imagine information technology. But it happened to me through well-nigh all of these circumstances. I accept been married now, extremely happy for 30 years. Then even though this is a picture it is a beautiful movie. Loved all the elements of this movie. I practise believe that near everyone will dearest this movie because of the feelings of True love. All the actors were dandy!!! Wish their could be a what happens next one!!!!l Colin and Jill had cracking chemistry and played their roles perfectly. The other cast members where astonishing likewise.

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7 /10

A squeamish gentle movie

Alert: Spoilers

A overnice simple/like shooting fish in a barrel to watch moving picture with nix offensive in it. (For a pleased alter! Give thanks y'all!) The acting was splendid, the story line was practiced and the photography was lovely. However, the continuity had some issues.... Annie's female parent had 2 different hairstyles from ane shot to the side by side. One moment she was wearing a ponytail and next her hair was downwards. Although the scene was different, the timing was meant to follow on. Also Annie broke off her appointment and returned the ring merely in two unlike scenes after that she was wearing the appointment ring over again! What a pity these errors weren't picked upward earlier the film was released. Otherwise a lovely flick.

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5 /10

Very vanilla

First of all, I was not convinced that any of the eligible partners would make a fit match. Certainly non Jovanna and Ben, although Jovanna was not nearly the evil villain that is oft the instance in these stories. Not Joe and Annie, although there was goose egg terribly incorrect with their lucifer - just aught terribly right either. And although they were already married, even Annie and Ben didn't convince me.

The acting was decent, although I didn't see any fireworks between Annie and Ben.

The already married/ never divorced theme was weak. I suppose information technology could take happened in the get-go place, merely being missed by everyone, including the IRS, for 15 years is lame.

Writers of these things never think about how much money things really cost since Annie has to fly beyond the country and the approximate wanted information technology twice. Then she buys a hymeneals wearing apparel approved past Jovanna which had to cost at least 5 times what she would have bought (and been happy with) in Iowa. Then this farm possessor, who is worried about both a grant and making quota, buys a high-way dress in NY. Lucky that Ben was putting her up in the corporate suite because it would take price her several hundred a night anywhere in that district otherwise.

The story was very direct vanilla with no real surprises.

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8 /10

Pulls at the center strings

Jill Wagner Colin Egglesfield have swell chemistry in this Hallmark movie. It is 1 of my favourites - I sentinel it every twelvemonth when the play it in the fall.

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9 /10

I liked information technology

Alert: Spoilers

Plot Childhood sweethearts elope, Her dad Steps in to annul the marriage. 18 years later both are engaged to be married to someone else. Oops!! The annulment was never finalized. Chaos ensues, but take faith, all is well in the cease. Childhood Sweethearts are dorsum together, the crops are safe and everything is rosy.

Not your average Hallmark movie.

My advice: Sentry it'southward pretty good.

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four /ten

Extremely unrealistic plot, and unlikely scenarios throughout

Warning: Spoilers

MAJOR SPOILERS! I don't empathise how this movie is rated so highly, information technology was completely ridiculous and insults the intelligence of the audition.

This takes place in a farming customs in Iowa. An 18yr old girl and 19yr old guy elope and accept bus tickets to NYC, but her father shows up right at the terminate of the ceremony and talks his daughter into leaving her new husband and going dorsum home with him, and says he plans on getting their matrimony annulled. The married man notwithstanding leaves for New York by himself.

Side by side scene is 15yrs later, both are marrying other people but find out the paperwork her begetter had filed for an annulment was never processed so they need to become divorced to exist able to go through with their upcoming weddings. Meanwhile we find out that she thought he abandoned her and never contacted her, just he claims he tried to call and write only got no response, which she thinks her father had something to do with. This really makes no sense because she tells him that after he left, her father had a center assail and "was never the same" so she just couldn't go out the farm, which indicates that she must have had some contact with him at some point in the beginning to plan to encounter him in New York! Why didn't she write to him to tell him why she didn't leave to bring together him?

And so, afterward this huge and extremely unlikely misunderstanding, her father manages to not only confiscate his letters to her but too somehow prevents her from getting his phone calls? No, that would be virtually impossible in this electronic age. She was a higher pupil for goodness sakes, did she non have a computer?

No contact for fifteen years, no electronic mail or text messages, he doesn't ever visit home or take whatever contact with anyone at that place to find out how things are, doesn't discover out most her begetter. Then we discover out that she knows absolutely nothing about him either, even though he has become this hot shot rich NYC executive which any internet search would accept revealed. On superlative of all of this nonsense, we've got two innocent, oblivious fiancées who are both lied to while these 2 reconnect.

I could continue and on with similar examples but won't take up any more of your time. They could have hands edited some sense into this flick but I estimate they believe their target audience is dense and naive enough to not crave annihilation to exist a little chip believable!

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9 /10

It Might be Typical, Just....

So many people say Hallmarks movies are the aforementioned. No, they're non. They may have the same premise of romance and end the same way, but the underlying stories are all dissimilar. I can't put my finger on information technology, but I actually enjoy this one. The acting is good, not subpar similar some and information technology has a good storyline. In that location's more to some movies than what yous come across. Hallmark puts a lesson in theirs that'due south non the same in all of the movies.

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2 /10

Meh ... sentinel if you have admittedly cypher else to do

I experience like the scriptwriter couldn't make up her or his mind about the master characters. Is Ben a nice guy or is he a jerk to buss Annie when they are engaged to other people. Settle your human relationship with shallower-than-a-pool fiancé before you get kissing other girls Ben!

Is Annie a hillbilly (the broad eyed "wow there are and then many people" amazed look from her as they drove through New York was and then stupid a annotate) or is she a soon to be PhD Annie who is a braniac? Likewise what woman lets a complete stranger dictate (yes dictate) to her which nuptials gown is the 1 and which is non? Why brand Annie appear to be then mindless and featureless?

And rude. She is and then rude. She is invited to attend the rehearsal and doesn't even plow her phone to silent. Then she breaks Joe'due south middle by breaking upward with him and and then commandingly tells him "Don't y'all cartel get out of my life." Gosh!

Seriously, why make the female person atomic number 82 then atrocious a graphic symbol?

Is Ben'south fiancé a witch to railroad him on every decision about his apartment and about the wedding ceremony or is she a nice girl who helps a hillbilly choose her nuptials gown? And how can she invite Annie to the rehearsal (which is for intimate family and friends) without even talking to Ben about it?

And what chauffeur hangs out at his employer's home outside work hours? Bizarre.

I'm not crazy about skinny kid looking Colin Egglesfield (practically non-existent shoulders) though he does come beyond as rich charming well. Also not so crazy about the younger version of Jill Wagner who looks pretty hostile despite the constant grinning. Her optics are pretty rock common cold so the chemistry betwixt them is not really conceivable.

Too unbelievable - if y'all have ever planned a nuptials for 400 people, y'all will know that you lot have no breathing time the days leading up to the wedding ceremony and notwithstanding the bride has time to go abroad and work and the groom has twenty-four hours (from his loftier powered job at that) and night to hang out with his current-married woman-soonhoped-for-ex-wife.

The amount of time these two spend together in intimate 'dates', how do neither of them experience like they are cheating on their current-soon-to-be-spouses?

And one person wiping something off the other person's face is really done to Decease. Enough please with that. I've seen it happen in over 40 Hallmark movies and it is now contrived and utterly unimaginative.

Likewise bad. The main storyline on paper could have made for an astonishing movie. Didn't come onto the screen that way. No heartstrings tugged until the last 5 minutes of the show and then it was probably the song.

Wait. Why are they getting married again if they are already married?? Well at least she got to use the wedding gown chosen for her past his bride-to-be-turned-ex-bride.

Finally, please don't litter the earth with torn paper. So incredibly un-eco friendly.

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v /10

ship issue

Annie Hancock was 18 when she married Iowa sweetheart Ben Lawson. Her begetter found out and forced them to get an annulment. It's 15 years later. Annie (Jill Wagner) receives divorce papers from Ben (Colin Egglesfield). Information technology turns out that the annulment paperwork cannot be found. She heads off to NYC to settle the matter. Both are getting married but just not to each other.

In social club for the movie to transport Annie and Ben, there needs to be definitive differences of good versus bad. The leads are perfectly acceptable. If they are single, they would exist ready to mingle. The problem with the other halves is that both have to be bad in order for the audience to dump them overboard. I don't remember they achieved that and there's no bulldoze to transport this couple.

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3 /10

bland and empty

God it was awful!!! I watched this because I was bored out of my wits and had some hope thinking it would be meliorate than the other cheap hallmark movies these days. The main couple just didn't experience like they had a real connection, that they were truly in dearest?! The guy is so stiff and moves like a robot.It just felt then Cheap and CHEESY and it was soooo PREDICTABLE. You could easily judge where it was all ending to and ughhh no, it just wasn't for me. The script sounded like something someone just threw together in five minutes. No personality or uniqueness to information technology. The godawful music certainly didn't assist and altogether the pic was merely FORGETTABLE.

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7 /10

Very good

You lot but can't watch anything whatsoever meliorate than one of the Hallmark style movies. Bang-up for the whole family, no foul language and no nudity. Yes I recommend this ane. James Welch Henderson Arkansas. 3/7/2022.

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3 /x

plain simple

The typical cheesy story but plain. Also if it was not for about 2 actors in the cast, i would believed nosotros were in a white man's world. Like everything was SO white. The two protagonist are attractive as expected, just not a tempting operation... i will cartel to say, that you wouldnt miss much if u make up one's mind to never picket information technology in your life.

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6 /10

Incorrect note in archetype vocal

I love Jill Wagner and this was an ok Hallmark but during the motion-picture show the archetype tune Beautiful Dreamer was played on a piano and the played a wrong note. I thought maybe it was but a thing to make the player appear rusty. However later some other character plays the same tune and plays the exact aforementioned wrong note. I am wondering did they play the wrong annotation because they didn't accept permission to utilize it? I don't think one notation changes the melody plenty to avoid copyright infringement. Or the person in charge of the music just doesn't know Cute Dreamer correctly.

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7 /x

One thing

The movie, overall, is everything I love about Hallmark. Nevertheless, beingness from Indiana that flag gets me every time!

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2 /10

Lacking romance

Alarm: Spoilers

I dearest Jill Wagner merely I felt that her love interest lacked luster. Even when they osculation it not information technology lacked passion. I blame this in Jill's Co-star though

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three /10

Abrupt and predictable

My mom forces me to watch some of the cheesiest movies Hallmark can come up with and it definitely definitely made the list. The acting was expert which is aways nice but the script was extremely abrubt throwing us into the story without any intros or details. This left u.s. feeling wrongfooted correct from the starting time, which would accept been enough to get me to change film but my mom is an idealist and she had the remote...

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4 /10

Fairly week script and non the best acting

Warning: Spoilers

I am quite easy to delight when it comes to films etc especially when I'yard in the mood for romance simply this has got to be i of the weakest romantic films I've seen.

Didn't carp checking the reviews or even rating when I read the clarification I was like ok sounds nice.

The acting was ok for well-nigh of the time just some moments iy was rather cringy... There was no sparks between literally anyone in the motion-picture show. Jovana and Ben nothing at all - I know there can't exist big fireworks crusade he's in beloved with Anna but has to be at least a spark ... He completely contradicts himself in that relationship they dont friction match at all. They made her seem like a villan in a style the mode they portrayed her just at that place was no use for information technology and she concluded upward being nice but banal and useless except for the fact she was in that location...

Joe and Anna well let's start off how weird it is that one got with Joe and one with Jovana? Both Jos? A piddling lack of imagination. Their human relationship I kinda understand they are from a small village where anybody knows everyone etc but there was something missing ... It was realistic enough merely don't call up too convincing...

But to exist off-white even Ben and Anna didn't accept anything it was so bland and just almost awkward to sentinel ..

The plot well I like the idea of information technology but the way they proceeded wasnt right... Flight to New York out of nowhere ? Buying a high end Hymeneals apparel and some other designer apparel? This daughter is waiting for a grant cause she tin't afford the studies highly doubtful she would be going on similar this...

I love watching films but Jesus that was so not addicting it'due south so uninteresting it'southward hard to stop ... I usually can't accept my optics off the screen just I cought myself zoning out...

Right guess that's all I tin can say. It could've been worse only I wouldnt rewatch it.

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1 /10

Horrible people

My word what horrible protagonists in this story. In any other hallmark they would take been the reason for the pb moving dorsum to their home boondocks. Both have committed relationships and cheat on their partners constantly..because no-one tin exist that nieve . I was actually feeling sorry for the side charaters. And Joe was prob the about brain dead mam always.. staying around in the farm after what she did to him.

It's equally if the writer couldn't wrote bad partners but too had a one track mind on how the romance was going to flourish.. so but brushed them aside.

Yous are ment to proceed with the leads and root for them to succeed. But all that happened was they came across equally selfish...cheating and not very likeable.

I watch authentication films and can overlook the flaws only this one had such unlikeable charaters. I kinda promise they have a sequal where the partners go and have their ain hallmark movie.

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1 /10

Worst moving picture always!!!!!!!!!

Warning: Spoilers

Wrong couple ended up together. Annie should be with Joe, he is a much better person.

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Source: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5066870/reviews

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